Google Banned Zoom |
Biggest search engine Google barred its employees using Zoom teleconferencing app because of security concern. Since the worldwide lockdown took place, the usage of Zoom app has increased for the conferences & office meetings.
Buzzfeed reported, Google explicitly told its employees by sending a Mail that whoever had installed the app, the software will not work function on the machine. Google stated that whoever using the app on the Google-provided machine would not be soon function. An interesting thing is that Google has also zoom competitor which is the part of the G-suit apps.
Elon Musk’s space exploration company told employees not to use zoom as SpaceX sent a memo stating that the app doesn’t have privacy and security concern. Video chat app noticed extensive boost after COVID-19 lockdown across the globe. Taiwan also banned the use of Zoom officially. NASA and Apple are not also allowing their employees to use.
Zoom CEO Eric S Yuan informed that the company looking into an issue and challenges in order to take the necessary step to rectify it.
Google spokesperson Jose Castaneda told Buzzfeed, the objective of banning teleconferencing app is that the Zoom doesn’t meet our security standard. Employees can use Zoom to stay in touch with family and friend and can continue using in mobile and personal desktop.
Google barred employees to use zoom video chat app
Reviewed by Irfan Shaikh
April 09, 2020
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